Monday, January 7, 2008

So my life changed today I hope

So today I started a weight watchers routine. packed my lunch, stayed in my points ate all my veggies and fruits have a little water left to drink and still need to find something to eat in an hour or so cause I still have 5 pts. left. I decided about 1 week ago that today would be the day I would start.

Most of you would know I have a love hate thing for my weight. I don't really care about losing weight. I'd like my clothes to fit better. I'd like my husband to not fuss about it so I'll do this again. The fact is I love food, well not really food, carbs, candy, junk. Who needs veggies? Thank goodness I like veggies, and other free foods and I already drink alot water so here we go on a weight less challenge. And now that I have announced it to the whole world I guess I'd better stick to it.

I have not signed up for the cancer crop but need to do that.

We are signed up for the retreat. Bonnie said she only had 70 sign up, so if you know anybody who would enjoy that incourage them to sign up.


scrap happy girl said...

Thanks so much for all the retreat stuff. And best wishes on the ww. Jason should not complain about your weight! So do we need to have a talk with him?

Anonymous said...

Go Chelle!! I support you 100% and hope I can get it together and get back on it too. I will do fine once I just make up my mind. djw