Sunday, April 19, 2009

All about me...

So those who are faithful follwers of my blog will understand this post, some of you who don't just skip it this time, there are things I feel I need to say and this is my blog so I get to say it.

Lets talk about me and my inability to keep my mouth closed when it comes to certain subjects, its eating away at me, it hurts my spirit and it hurts the spirit of the people around me. I'm aware that my "friends" don't like to hear it, and I'm aware that they all are sick of it. I know I need to learn to play nice. I'm trying to play nice and sometimes I think I can and then wham out of nowhere I lose it! I'm trying to get better at this and I'm failing at the current time.

All this being said I'll be at scrapbook weekend but you won't see much of me till fall, I like the pool and with Emily here I'll be busy! Maybe that will help me with keeping my mouth shut. I've always been passionate about what I believe in and right now for me I believe I need to put distance between me and what makes me "lose my religion"

I love you guys and am so glad I was invited to set at the big girls table and hope I can continue to do that in the fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will always be welcome at my table. I feel fortunate to have found you as a friend. We all have things we need to work on and need to help each other get thru them. I am there for ya girlfriend, if you need me.