Friday, June 27, 2008

Well it starts

The kids have been pretty nice to each other and me for a couple of days but this morning ww 3 appeared at my mama's. Not fun. Nick's attitude is more than I know what to do with and Emily is just plain ole hateful sometimes. I forbid them to talk to one another we will see how that goes. Nick can't answer anything without a rude hateful answer it makes me want to smack his face. Well that being said I do love my kids and I don't really care if they are having a good time or not, I'm seeing my family period and if they don't like it to bad.

see ya chelle


Anonymous said...

Sorry the kids are being so bad. Just ignore them and have fun with your grandmother!!!

Debbie H said...

I agree, ignore them. Teenagers are tough. I am a little in between, Jackie is outgrowing that stage and Jeanette hasn't started yet. It's my small reprieve, but I know it's going to start again!

Deb H